“I can't recommend Chris highly enough! Within the first 3 sessions, the progress my son made was amazing! He now writes confidently, and his spelling and handwriting have improved massively. The best of all is that for a child who was reluctant to do any writing and has struggled to find motivation with his English/Spelling, now he looks forward to it and is enjoying every session with Chris. Chris is a great tutor - very friendly and warm, professional, and has a great approach with his students to make them feel relaxed, positive, and motivated.”
— T, Mum of Year Four pupil
There are a raft of brilliant people and organisations that can help, educate, advocate and support. We are a community and below is just some of those who might have something to offer you and yours. If you can think of anyone else I should include here, then please do contact me.
Kieran Rose is a published mainstream and academic author, international public speaker, trainer, researcher and consultant to organisations all over the world with a specialism in Autistic Masking, Autistic Burnout and Autistic Identity. He was diagnosed Autistic in 2003 and is Dad to three Neurodivergent children, 2 Autistic.
Amongst other amazing resources Kieran’s ‘The Inside of Autism’ online learning course is a must, in my opinion, for parents, professionals and anyone wanting to find out more about being autistic.
Greg Rix - Autistic Teacher, Researcher, Advisor & SEND advocate
Greg tutors online and specialises at GCSE for SEND students providing strategies for achievement with a particular specialty in STEM.
mASCot is a parent led peer to peer support network for families who have an autistic child/children or young person in Brighton and Hove. mASCot brings families together and enables them to connect with others in similar situations as themselves.
If you are a parent of an autistic child in Brighton and Hove then mASCot is a great source of information, support, advice and more.
Oaks Rise: an alternative educational provision, offering part-time, supplementary education, for autistic and ADHD learners aged from 9 to 16 years, based in Hassocks, West Sussex.
Their vision: We believe that every child has the right to a high-quality education that is tailored to their individual needs and abilities. One that celebrates and nurtures their strengths and talents, fosters self-knowledge and a positive sense of identity.
Think Different Consulting - Thinking differently about difference.
Offering advice, support, and guidance to autistic young people, their families, and schools, with a focus on getting education right.
Change your mind - not the child.
Wayfinder tutoring - autistic-led tutoring and support.
Supporting neurodivergent young people to build their confidence, understand themselves, find community, and develop their goals - in and around Brighton and Hove.